Monday, August 24, 2009

Pete & Jen's Egg Carpool Mailing List

We love our eggs from Pete & Jen's Backyard Birds, but their store in Concord is just a bit far for a casual shopping run. Some time ago, we noticed that Pete & Jen had put out a signup sheet for an egg carpool mailing list. The idea was to connect customers that live in Lexington, Arlington, and North Cambridge so that they can arrange to pick up eggs for each other as convenient.

Since we run a data center,, it's easy for us to create mailing lists. So we offered to set it up for them, Jen send us the list of email addresses, and voila! My husband set up the pjeggpool mailing list.

Now we can post when we make the journey out to Concord to see if anyone in our area would also like some eggs. If anyone responds, we can then arrange a pick-up location for the eggs. While the folks currently on the mailing list are all in Lexington, Arlington, and Cambridge, I see no reason why people from other areas around Boston can't also arrange pickups in the same way.

If you'd like to get in on the EggPool, send email to

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